Friday, April 4, 2008

Movin' on up

As August rolled in, the air became stifling, and the walk-in closet we were living in was turning into a walk-in sauna. Well, I guess all saunas are walk-in, but you get my point, you're not supposed to live in one. There is no air conditioning to speak of and the tiny fan we were provided with was on it's last blade. It was time to take action. Ian and I decided that as much as we loved our little steam house, we had, in fact, grown out of it and realized we needed to take advantage of a recently vacated apartment from which a teacher from my school had just moved. We had heard rumors that this apartment was a fair size. We also knew the general vicinity, but that was it. Even my employer who is paying for the place didn't know where it was. We love this country, but it really is very difficult to find help with nearly anything. It was up to us to find "the yellow building at the top of the hill" and make the move on our own. We had no idea how on our own we were until we called the water cooler company we were renting our water cooler from to tell them we were moving. You can guess what they told us. Cut to Ian trudging up a long, steep hill on quite possibly the hottest day of the year, with a giant water cooler on his back. All we could think was, "this better be worth it..."

We eventually found our yellow building and are now settled into our new, very humble abode. We realized they must all be like this. They're not really into large spaces in Korea. They all think North America is really wasteful with their space because our apartments and houses are so big. I know, how funny. What else are we supposed to do with it? So, it no longer takes us only four steps to cross from one side of our place to the other, it now takes five!...which is a pretty big deal to us. We are literally living in the attic of our building. Top of a giant hill, top floor - we can't get much higher. The view is just breathtaking though. Instead of the forest being across the street, it is now about three steps from our door, and the rest of our view is off Bundang, and the surrounding mountains. We really couldn't ask for more.

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